Wolves news: Your views on season ticket price increases – Football News

Wolves news: Your views on season ticket price increases

We asked for your views on the news that ticket prices will be increased to help Wolves compete in the Premier League and whether it’s acceptable for prices to increase if it helps improve the club’s position.

Members of the Wolves 1877 Trust, a group which represents fans, are set to meet at 19:00 BST on Wednesday. Meanwhile a petition against the increases gained over 13,000 signatures last week.

Here are some of your responses on whether the hike was acceptable when consideration is given to the club’s comments on revenue generation being so important in building a competitive team:

Shaun: Trying to benchmark against other clubs is all well and good but to do it properly means taking into account all relevant factors e.g. higher earnings in London and the fact that our temporary stand should be excluded from a calculation of average ticket price. Taking those two factors into account paints a very different picture – rethink required!

Mark: This cannot be justified. Wolverhampton is a working class City, by out-pricing fans – especially kids – and the disabled you are losing a massive fan base. The City will suffer as loyal fans who were there in the lower divisions going for a beer pre and post match will not be able to afford such huge price increases. I am not renewing my season ticket.

Simon: As a season ticket holder for over 20 years and a single parent, I was delighted last season that my three children were able to join me in my passion for Wolves. I was just able to pay £1000 that all four season tickets required. With the increase I’m going to struggle. Did they think about single parents? No. Increase it in stages. Give us time to plan.

John: My first game was in 1954 and after 70 years as a supporter your morals have forced me out. Not only obscene increases considering the cost of living but particularly for children. Boring football for three years and all good players sold.

Simon: My father and I can’t afford to renew our season tickets. I’ve been going since 1996 and my dad has been going since the 70’s. Let’s hope the fans show some solidarity and boycott the season tickets, or at least merchandise and food/drink from the ground. Which is also extortionate.

Laura: The club is the heartbeat of this City. Many fans already make sacrifices in order to afford their tickets but now the monthly direct debit on an adult season ticket would be more than my gas bill. The club are pricing out families and those on fixed incomes, such as disabled supporters. I can just about afford a new ticket but I won’t buy one.

Source link: Wolves news: Your views on season ticket price increases